Ronda Rousey Quotes on Happiness

Ronda Rousey has a couple of great quotes about happiness. One is almost a Buddhist type of philosophy in the sense that Buddhism takes an approach that desire is the root of suffering. Ronda Rousey defines happiness as the absence of wants, which sort of falls along the same lines.
The second quote is in line with happiness coming from within. The world's opinion of you can change so it's not a good idea to base your happiness on that. Society, culture, advertising, media, peers, etcetera, can put certain requirements on what is needed for you to be happy and expected of you to achieve happiness. But going down a road solely to achieve these ends is a difficult path which requires you to be held to the fleeting expectations and standards of others. Your happiness is contingent on factors outside of your control.
So true happiness comes from within. In a sense being happy for the sake of being happy.

I never want my happiness to be related to something that I can't control.
- Ronda Rousey