Firstly they are both amateur wrestlers and both have admitted in the past they felt a little bit empty for not giving their 100% in their amateur wrestling career. That feeling of not leaving everything on the mat compelled them to become extremely hard workers.
Interestingly enough, both Evans and Weidman went on to earn degrees in Psychology. This knowledge of the human mind has allowed them to channel the right mindset to achieve peak performance and win. Weidman on the road to becoming the UFC champion, and defeating Anderson Silva twice, knew what he needed to do to be mentally ready to fight a mythical legend in Silva. He knew he had to not put him on a pedestal, mentally be ready for anything, and incessantly visualize success. He talks about really getting into the visualization of being champion and make it so real that it becomes every day life.
Evans also has a very strong mental game, which has been elevated through his psyche studies. He often speaks of visualization and how is has helped him in the cage, as well as the repetition affirmations. He uses visualization and affirmations so intensely that the become deep convictions, which allow him to achieve success and become a UFC champion.