For Bas Rutten he was on record as saying in the past that the three most important things in life are respect, love, and happiness. Interacting with us on Twitter he commented that he will add a fourth to that list: Health
@nmwright21 @mmaquote ad a fourth, "health"That's along the lines of what another fan-friendly and positive fighter, Urijah Faber says:
— Bas Rutten (@BasRuttenMMA) July 29, 2013
Good Health is True Wealth
For more inspirational and helpful tips and advice from Bas Rutten, check out the video below. It was set up to inspire and motivate the Jane and Finch community in Toronto, which at times has faced some crime through gangs; although the community does have plenty of amazing citizens and even the ones committing crimes and in gangs have greatness which lies within them waiting to be released. Bas Rutten tries to give some positive vibrations in this video to inspire some of the youth in the community to let that greatness inside them shine forth.