Motivating Quotes Definition
Source ( define motivation involves understanding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how emotion and motivation are inter-dependent. knowledge of what is motivation. In addition, it describes intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the relationship between emotion and motivation. So, when someone asks, "how do you motivate a person?", the answer is, technically, YOU don't, THEY do, because they are already motivated. In practice, this definition of motivation requires you to use your power and persuasion skills to align the person's motivation and the situation. The words used may indicate an intention but it is only when the action begins that you know the person concerned is motivated. For example, "I'll start that tomorrow" or "I really want to do that someday", may be meant when they are said but the define motivation statements above go beyond intention. A subtle variation here has to do with two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is about those intangible feelings that are "inside" the person, such as: a sense of achievement from doing something, pride or pleasure from recognition (by self and others) for results or effort, doing something that is inherently interesting for the person involved at the time, taking responsibility and making a difference, learning, self improvement and personal growth. If someone judges that these intrinsic motivators are present for them in a situation, they are more likely to choose to take action (i.e. to be motivated). On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is about those tangible things that are outside of the person (e.g. with others or in the environment). For example, money or time or prizes or goods or treats or cars or holidays. These intrinsic extrinsic motivation factors overlap, of course. For example, someone may not wish to take action about something (based on their perception of the lack of intrinsic motivators) unless someone else makes them an extrinsic motivator offer they can't refuse (e.g. massive amounts of money), and then they may choose to take action. Interestingly, though, it was the money that they focused on rather than the original need. Let's go back to the what is motivation and define motivation phrases above. They require someone to want to do something, to care, to be interested and curious, to want to move towards something or away from something, to make an effort, to show determination when needed, to change. All of these characteristics are emotional in nature and emotion and motivation are inter-dependent. If someone really doesn't care, is totally without emotion about something (if that is possible?), it is unlikely that they will choose to take action (i.e. be motivated). On the other hand, we have all heard the stories of the amazing things people will do when they are afraid fear is a very powerful emotion, of course.