Today Tomas Berdych defeated Roger Federer in 4 sets at US Open. Although most people think that Berdych played well but fedfans will agree with me, Federer looked out of sorts today.
These are main three reasons in my book why Federer lost the match today:
Walkover by Mardy Fish: Just like last year when Djokovic got a walkover in French Open and ended up losing, Federer also ended up with the same fate. He was completely out of sorts and looked unsettled right from the start. He failed to maintain the lead in the first set and since then Berdych was all over him except the latter half of the third set. It was clear that 4 days break actually had taken away his timing and he was not the vintage Roger we were used to seeing. He did give us glimpses but was not consistent today.
Unforced Errors: He did 40 unforced errors as compared to 21 of Berdych. Not only this, today he came to net very less as compared to his previous matches. Just a mere 30 times as compared to 40+ times he came in his previous matches.
Andy Roddick Effect: I know this might be contentious but I think and strongly believe that Roddick's retirement might have an effect on him coming out rattled and not focused towards the match. If a close rival who started his career at a similar time like you, someone with whom you have shared memories and epic battles, someone who has been player of your generation finally retires, it does make you a bit somber and reflect back on those past days. I think Roddick's emotional exit did have an impact on his mind and it was clear the erratic way he was playing today.
Nevertheless I still believe that the champion he is, he will be back strongly. He has always said he is a very positive person and I am sure he will go back and reflect back upon this loss to inspire him back to win his 18th Grand Slam.
"There maybe tough moments maybe for, you know, an hour or a couple of days potentially, but life goes on and you get a second chance." - Roger Federer