This article was first published in
There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
So many times, we have been found guilty of undermining our own capabilities and not living upto our own expectations. I just wonder why is it that people so often succumb to the pressure of the society when it should be their own conscience they should be answering to rather than others.
Isn’t it high time in our lives that we should stop listening to others and be answerable to ourselves?
Look at Roger Federer. When everyone had written him off, he kept on playing and working hard to keep up to his own expectations and no-one else’s!
What matters to him is what his family and coach thinks. If he were to listen to everyone else, then he should have hanged up his boots as soon as he turned 30. This is the rule of the society- when you are going up-everyone will back you but as soon as there is a hint of a fall…they will pounce upon you like a wounded tiger. But Federer stuck to his own voice and deserves more credit than given for his mental toughness. We often take this quality granted for but how many of us have the attitude to fight back and prove our point? We have the ability but it’s the attitude that marks our downfall!
After winning 5 titles now since last October, this champion is on his way to try for his next goal-World No.1 by year end. He might achieve it as it was around this time only last year that Djokovic started to dominate the tennis world. After seeing him, one thing is for sure that it is your heart and closed ones you should listen to rather than Tom, Dick or Harry. In the end what matters is that you gave your best rather than giving up mid-way!
I will end this article with this quote from Tim Tebow: “Along the way there’s going to be a lot of obstacles, a lot of adversity, a lot of people who will tell you you’re not good enough. I’m here to tell you that you are. Everyone that tells you that you’re not is because they didn’t accomplish something.”
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