Life is all about moments and memories. If these two are cut off from a person’s life, he/she will live like an automated machine tuned to complete daily chores at fixed times. I just walked into a Nike store and there it was- A Big poster of Roger Federer. I looked at it and my thoughts went to one basic question of life: Can anyone be invincible?
My thoughts wandered to the past history: When Roy Emerson won his 12th GS in 1967, at that time he was hailed as the champion that tennis never had. You fast forward it to 32 years later, and Pete Sampras equaled his record! And fast forward it to 10 years further, Federer won his 14th GS title at FO 2009. Amongst all these victories there is one common thing: The belief that the record cannot be broken: Too difficult for anyone to catch on!
Although Federer’s record is yet to be broken, it’s inevitable that it will be broken one day. Not true only in tennis but in business also if you look at the top companies in the last 100 years only handful have survived and the rest went into extinction. The motto here is not to demotivate you to not to pursue your goals but to make you realize that even though you think your challenge in life is too difficult to accomplish- it’s just a myth. The fact is that if you don’t accomplish it, somebody else will!
But then another question which comes to my mind if someone else will overcome our achievements, then why do it? Simply because that’s all life is all about- building moments for you. The satisfaction at the end of life that you gave your best is more important than knowing that you didn’t try because you/others thought you couldn’t. It’s this feeling which keeps champions like Federer keep on going to achieve even more when they can be satisfied with what they have already accomplished.
Think about it- at the end of your life- lying down do we want to think- Oh I wish I could have tried just once more to achieve my dreams? My choice- Try it out while you can, go on and give your best and you may or may not achieve goals but one thing is for sure- you will make a lot of memories which will bring a smile on your face in the end- something you can be proud of and brag about!
No goal, no life and no memories or One Life, One Goal, One more try and Multiple Memories!
Which one would you chose?
Also: Federer/Nadal Epic Semi- Final - What do Australian Open Stats Indicate?- Part 1
Anger: Difference between Good (McEnroe,Murray) & Great (Federer,Nadal)
How Nadal can win his battle of minds against Djokovic?
Anger: Difference between Good (McEnroe,Murray) & Great (Federer,Nadal)
How Nadal can win his battle of minds against Djokovic?
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